Wednesday, February 25, 2009

QUOTE: Open-minded search for truth

“On this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to re-arrange much of my thought-patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my previous conclusions. This was not too difficult for me. Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth.”
- El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X), from his 1964 "Letter from Mecca"

QUOTE: Human being first and foremost

“I’ve had enough of someone else’s propaganda. I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”-
- El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X), The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Chapter Nineteen “1965”

At this point in my life

At this point in my life, I feel that there is so much that human beings have come to understand about the natural universe and I don’t want to pretend that those advances haven’t been made (I think the sciences can help us with this). And yet, at the same time, I realize that there so much mystery and meaning left to be explored in regards to the human condition (I think this is where art, religion and faith have been helpful).

I continue to enjoy the exploration and the openness of seeking wisdom wherever it can be found and firmly believe that we can learn something from everyone. I am not as certain in my views as before, but I feel that I am in a more honest place than ever.

At times I feel like a restless soul walking on a lonely road, but I am encouraged knowing that I am not alone; that there are other "wrestlers" out there.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Would I be bothered if Jesus didn’t really exist?

I was recently asked the following question in response to one of my recent posts:


“Does it bother you that there is very little evidence that Jesus existed at all? It is quite possible historically he did not, as there are no Roman execution records or contemporary writings confirming his existence. I exclude the Gospels as they appear later sometime after 75 AD… I find the New Testament to be a poor moral compass and that rational thought and reason serve as better tools to solve moral dilemmas.”


First, I don’t base my moral judgments on what the Bible says. I, too, find many (but not all) of the moral recommendations found therein to be outdated and less than helpful. I see the Bible primarily as a resource, not a revelation. I have often said, the Bible tells me more about the humans who wrote it than the “God” it describes.

Secondly, I have considered the possibility that a historical Jesus may have never existed and, I’d like to think that, at this point in my life, my admiration of the character of Jesus would not be too disturbed should that be the case. I would still admire the wisdom to be found in the Jesus stories- even if most (if not all) of them are largely legendary or fictional. In fact, part of me thinks that the actual, factual truth of what Jesus may have said or done is a mystery forever lost in antiquity. It seems that all we can do, at this point, is to investigate the available evidence from reliable sources and speculate endlessly about the rest.

However, I am of the opinion that the Jesus stories are based on some historical figure, even if they are symbolic legends or polemical documents designed to communicate a certain community’s beliefs, values and concerns. I feel the same way about allegedly historical figures like Socrates, Moses, Lao Tzu, Confucius and Siddhartha Gautama. I suspect that historical versions of these individuals existed only to be “deified” over the centuries as stories were told (and retold) by their followers and admirers.

Can we really know for certain as to what any of these individuals have either said or done, considering that it is very likely that none of them ever wrote down or recorded any of their teachings? And, if they did write anything down, can we really be sure that those documents weren’t misplaced or amended by later generations?

I don’t place a lot of faith in the accuracy of human memory, and I have absolutely no confidence in the idea that there are such things as objective, disinterested historians or storytellers. In my view, when it comes to human beings: nobody is neutral.

I have jokingly predicted amongst my friends that, in the centuries to come, historical figures like Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi will become deified in very much the same way.

Ultimately, I think our responses to history and legend will depend heavily on our own personal experiences, available information, cultural contexts and individual trust levels. Even when equipped with the same facts, we all seem to come to different conclusions as to how to interpret the information.

All we can do is make the best use our analytical tools, rational faculties, proven methods and our better judgment in order to discern reliable and meaningful information from errors and falsehoods.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

POEM: "Dare I Ask?"

Dare I ask…
…when I don’t expect an answer?

But sometimes...sometimes...
asking and knocking leads to unlocking
So I dare.

Here I am, Lord.
A heretical human engaged in honest prayer

Are you a divine creative essence
or are you a created being?
Are you the ageless mystery born of myth?
Or an imaginary thing?

Are you the cosmic ruler of all that is?
The heavenly parent who provides for all our needs?
Or are you an invisible collage of our developing ideals
called upon to justify our deeds?

Are you an anthropomorphic construct
of philosophers and theologians?
A personification of our conscience?

Are you hero to those who suffer…
who continually wait for the deliverance
that they believe you promised?

Are you the otherworldly overseer of golden streets and crystal seas
Supreme object of our eternal adoration

Exorcist of the demonic
Broker of conditional salvation

Director of otherworldly dramas
Shepherd of every bullet gone astray
Vengeful agent of bizarre justice
Puppeteer of nature’s dreadful ways

Are you the psychological patchwork
of projected prejudice and human fear?

Are you even there?
Can you even hear?

Creator, almighty and in control?
Did you make us in your image to till?
Or did we create an image of you
to fill this hole we feel?

We share a desire for security
To be certain of what it is that we can and cannot hold
Trying to make sense out of this life
Your silent shadow seems so cold

I don’t think that I can trust you
A restless soul, I walk this road
I don’t know what to believe
Suspicious of those who speak so bold

Not sure that my scattered thoughts can offer any consolation
to the faithful ones who grieve
For me, prayer feels more like a placebo
yet I pray that I am not deceived

I believe that honesty is holy
Unaware, we feel around and grope
Finding sacred meanings
in whatever helps us cope

I believe that honesty is holy
Unaware, we feel around and grope

I’m not sure that I believe in heaven
but I still believe in hope

# # #

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Using Jesus as a Guiding Model

In contemplating the most accurate way to describe my own religious affiliation (should I be asked by fellow churchgoers), I have given long thought to one my good friend's approaches of responding according to the primary religious model and/or framework that has shaped one's outlook on life; which for us is the person of Jesus.

I was reminded of this approach after my friend refered me to Malcolm Dalglish’s hymn “Paradise” where Jesus is imaged as the “flame that lights the way.” I could really relate to my friend's reflection that- even if he doesn’t believe in certain Christian doctrines- there are still those aspects of Jesus' "life, teaching, example, and person” that serve as “the light by which (we) discern things.”

I totally agree.

Although I think Jesus went way too far in some of the things he was believed to have said and despite the fact that I have serious intellectual difficulty in (1) embracing his ideas about otherworldly matters, (2) accepting the authority he seems to assume for himself and (3) believing the Gospel’s miracle stories as historical facts, I still admire Jesus greatly and find wisdom in his approach to life, humility, conflict-resolution, service and ethics. As I have said before, I blame his Good Samaritan story for making me a humanist!

All that to say, I cannot deny that my personal outlook on life has been profoundly shaped by the one they called Jesus.

I consider myself to be an "admirer of Jesus." It seems too dishonest for me to say I am a “follower of Jesus” considering that- in the most literal sense- I have not done what those characters in the Gospels who actually followed Jesus were asked to do; I’d dare say that few of us who confidently claim allegiance to Jesus' way us have actually gone that far with it. I suspect that those of us who attend Christian churches have fashioned an easier, more formulaic, less-demanding and distorted form of Jesus’ gospel in order to make us feel better about failing to actually emulate his example.

Even though I’m pretty far along in my discarding of traditional Christian dogma, I do take the idea of following Jesus seriously and wish more people allowed themselves room to really “count the cost” and consider the implications of such a major commitment.In light of this, I try to use the life of Jesus (primarily based on my reading of the Synoptic Gospels) as a guiding model and hermeneutic to discern his interests and priorities from those of the early Church. I, like many others who have pursued this line of thought, think there is a profound difference in the two.

Before I realized how unoriginal this notion was, I had long wondered: Why does the Jesus who preached the "Sermon on the Mount" seem so far removed from the emphasized teachings and practices of the contemporary Christian church? Why was the Sermon on the Mount’s “almost-humanistic” Jesus (so practical and so human) seem so different from the ethereal and cosmic character of The Savior Christ that millions of individuals worship and call upon? Why do I gravitate to the former figure while so many gravitate to the latter?

How refreshing it would be if my Christian brothers and sisters could at least admit that many of our contemporary churches tend to emphasize and demand conformity in things that Jesus didn’t seem to stress about (i.e., the great commission to “go ye therefore”, public prayer, adherence to notions of biblical inerrancy, papal infallibility, advancing pro-Christian political agendas, condemning homosexuality, creationism, intimidating non-Christians and “sinners” with the threat of hell, the idea that one’s salvation is contingent upon one’s acceptance of certain doctrines, etc.) whereas Jesus himself seemed to stress a lot of things that many of our more dogmatic evangelical churches seem to downplay (i.e., the great commandment to “love God and neighbor”, loving and praying for one’s enemies, selling all possessions and giving to the poor, being non-violent, being merciful, forbidding divorce, praying only in private, being service-minded, turning the other cheek, intimidating the apathetic religious hypocrites of his day with the threat of hell, and the idea that one’s salvation is contingent upon one’s compassionate behavior/willingness to forgive others, etc.).

How I wish I could get more of my Christian friends to at least agree with me on that point!I also can’t help but notice how many “bible-believing churches” base their beliefs and faith claims on things that Jesus was likely to have never said (for example, the material found primarily in the Gospel of John and the New Testament letters).

Though I am visiting, I refuse to ever join a church that seeks to teach me how to frame the world into an “us-versus-them” of believers and “hell-bound” non-believers; that teaches young children to reject the most credible scientific insights; that teaches members how to suppress the faculty of reason; and who actively pressure children and adults into professing “a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.”

I say that is only one understanding of the gospel, and- thank goodness- not the only way.

Where are the fellowships that focus more on teaching congregants how to cultivate the fortitude to forgive others “seventy times seven;” how to develop the maturity and contentment needed to part ways with self-absorption and mindless consumerism; how to use what you have to serve those who are in need; how to regularly escape to quiet, secluded places to pray mindfully; how to empathize with the outcasts, orphans and widows; and how to evangelize without words by extending merciful “Samaritan” hands to those of different cultures, beliefs and traditions?

Does one have to become a Buddhist or a mystic in order to engage in spiritual practices that would help them to live closer to the way of Jesus?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Can creative outlets save the world?

I found this post to be an inspiring and awesome call to action; especially as the author refers to the artistic ambitions of the young Adolf Hitler. Can creative outlets help us to address some of the gravest issues facing our civilization (war, violence, terrorism, etc.)? I dare think so. Yes, perhaps it really is that simple. 

The post caused me to recall the chilling words of Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem “Boy Breaking Glass” in which she says, “I shall create! If not a note, a hole. If not an overture, a desecration.” 

Creation will occur. Regardless. The question is: What will be the nature of the creation?

I am deeply interested in art therapy and psychology. And I have always been drawn to stories of young people who have been encouraged to vent their frustration and confusion through an artistic outlet of some sort (whether or not they become professional artists). 

Last year, I had the privilege to teach a class on editorial cartooning to a group of middle-school children with the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program. It was amazing to see what could come out of a quiet child who had never tapped into their creative potential. Regardless of their artistic skill, it was clear that these kids had something important to say about the issues that mattered to them. It was life-changing for me and reinforced for me the important place that creative expression occupies in human life.

We’ve heard about rappers who would’ve been drug dealers. We’ve heard about jazz artists who would’ve been hustlers. We’ve heard about at-risk youth who find redemption and cathartic release through public theatre.

The profession doesn’t matter as much to me as the therapeutic nature of creating. So I totally agree with a comment on the post that said, “Sometimes, the simple act of being quiet with a bunch of markers and paper for an hour or two can be therapeutic, whatever the artistic value of the finished work.”

I know that worked for me. As a child, I loved to draw stick figures. Soon I started studying the work of comic book artists my illustrations began to improve. A whole new world opened up. Realizing my interest in drawing, my grandmother would bring home reams of printing paper that her company would throw away so that I could have drawing materials. “From so humble a beginning…” Such is creation.

There is so much creative energy inside us that needs to be directed. I believe that repressing the impulses to create and to contribute will only hurt us in the end. In my view, creative expression is going to happen no matter what and any efforts to actively repress/suppress/oppress those impulses will only ensure that the later expressions of those impulses will take more malignant and unhealthy forms. (Recall: "I shall create...if not a note, a hole...")

I say we help people discover constructive outlets for their creative impulses. 

I can only speculate as to what my life would have been like without my creative outlets. I believe that realizing my creative potential so early in life kept me free from a lot of the troubling traps native to a lower-class, urban environment. I am convinced that my having an artistic outlet contributed greatly in helping me to grow and mature. 

Art was a consolation for me through lonely, boring and quiet times. It was how I believed the “divine” communicated with me. When I was confused or disjointed, I could always find refuge in the act of creating; and I still do.

I believe art helps us to process life. By cultivating the creative impulse, we develop new ways to looking, listening, touching and tasting the world around us and exploring the depths within.

I make my money as a public relations executive, but I am an artist who thrives off the creative process- both at work and at home; whether I am playing guitar, sketching illustrations, composing a poem, or writing a blog post. 

I do these things, not to make money- but to make “me.” 

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Coming Out as an Agnostic (Pt. 2): Opening Up Slowly


Scene 2:
In the car, on the way to work on a chilly morning, 9:07 a.m.

A discussion from the previous night is revisited during an in-depth telephone conversation between a devout Christian wife and her secretly agnostic husband. The husband calls the wife on her phone after dropping their child off at their daycare provider’s house.

“Houston, we have ‘drop-off’.”

“Cool. How did she do?”

“She did good. She was a little clingy at first, but once she saw all her friends she was fine.”

“Good. Good...[pause]
You on your way to work now?”

“Yeah, I’m about 15 minutes away… [pause]
By the way…Did we really have that conversation last night or did I dream that?”

“Conversation about what?”

“I don’t know…something about my iPhone and me not reading the Bible anymore?”

“Oh yeah…Yes, that was real. That wasn’t a dream.”

[Laughing] “Okay. I was about to say... [Regains composure]
Well, I just want you to know that just because I don’t read the Bible like I used to it doesn’t mean that I don’t think about all the time.”


“Yeah. I actually have plenty of verses, passages and stories from the Bible that float through my head on a daily basis. I think about them and reflect on ‘em pretty often.”

“For real? I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah. I mean….You know I always liked reading the gospel stories about Jesus and his parables. Those are real simple, short stories anyway and the type that you don’t necessarily need to read over and over in order to think deeply about them. I find a lot of wisdom in those stories and, in many ways, their insights still direct me. Some of those stories stick with it’s not like I’ve forgotten them.”

“Oh, okay. That’s good to hear.”

“And I’m definitely not an atheist.”

[Pauses before responding]
“Hold on for a second...Hey, I forgot…
I’ve got my mom on the other line.”

“Oh? Well, can you tell her you’ll call her back?...This is getting good.”

“Okay, I will. Hold on.”

[insert 15 second pause]

[clicks back over]
“Okay, I’m back...Now, what were you saying?”

“Is your mom okay?”

“Yeah, she’s dealing with some serious stuff too. But we can keep talking.”


“Now, back to what you were saying.”

“I was just saying that you don’t have to worry. I’m not an atheist
Being an atheist is too much of an exclamation point for me. I’m more of a…I don’t know…I guess you could say I’m more of a question mark. I’ve got questions about everything. That’s why you tease me for being so nerdy because you always see me reading books, encyclopedias and magazine articles about all kinds of subjects. That’s why my bookshelf is loaded with books on topics like science, mythology, psychology, evolution, history and religion. I’m interested in all of these things.”

Such a nerd.”

“Well, I’m just exploring all of these topics because I’m trying hard to find out what’s really true and also because- even though I respect them- I just don’t trust a lot of what people say about God and the Bible. I guess I mainly struggle with how and why different people interpret and understand the Bible the way they do. You know what I mean?”

“I feel you.”

“I also wonder why different people focus on different aspects of what the Bible says...It’s actually kinda funny when you think about how some of the same people who say they ‘live by the book’ still manage to be pretty selective about which parts of the book they want to apply to their lives. I mean...lots of people stress the part where Jesus says ‘I’m the way, the truth, the life’ but you don't find a lot of people who take Jesus' words that seriously when he says something like ‘sell your possessions and give to the poor.’”


“I mean...Don't get me wrong. We all do it. We each have our favorite parts that mean more to us than others. I know I do...If I had my choice, I’d much rather read the parables of Jesus while some others would rather spend time reading the letters of Paul. It just depends on the person, you know?”

“True, true.”

“And- unlike the people living in biblical times- nowadays, we have access to all kinds of writings from cultures all over the world: Native American...Middle Eastern...Asian...African...These writings show how different cultures throughout history understood the world and how they tried to explain those things to their people...Most of them even have their own creation stories and mythologies that they were raised with- just like how many of us were raised with the Bible’s creation story of Adam and Eve.”

“Oh, okay.”

“But I also struggle with what people say about God. I mean…you ever notice how many people talk about “God told me this” or “God called me to do that?”

“Yeah. Lots of people say stuff like that. It's kinda like those terrorists who blow up themselves and other people because they believe God told them to to do that. I'm like, ‘Is God telling you to do that or are you doing what you want to do and just saying that you are doing it in God’s name?’”

“Exactly! That’s what I’ve been saying! How do you know what’s true unless you investigate? And you hear people say things like this all the time. Pastors- both the liberal and conservative ones- say things like ‘God likes this’ or ‘God wants that’ all the time. I just sit there and think to myself, ‘Really? How do you know?’ That's why I got tired of the pastors at our old church always introducing preachers by asking, 'What word from the Lord do you have for us today?' I've talked with pastors who say that 'The Holy Spirit' gives them their sermon ideas- like they're not just sharing their own opinions on a subject. They give you their opinions on politics or on what the Bible says and then say that what they think is what God thinks? You mean to tell me that their personality is not going to come out in the sermon? C'mon. Seriously?"

“I know what you mean.”

[End of Scene 2]

[Sensing an empathetic ear, the husband begins to feel pretty good about the overall relationship with his wife, especially in regards to their communication about religious matters. He wants to continue to open up and share even more about his personal views. And while he doesn't want to jump to conclusions, he is beginning to wonder if his Christian wife may actually have a secret to share with him as well.]

To be continued...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Coming Out as an Agnostic: Awkward pillow talk


The master bedroom, 11:53 p.m. on a sub-zero, Midwestern night.

A devout Christian wife and her secretly agnostic husband engage in the type of late-night pillow talk in which one spouse can easily implicate themselves or inadvertently insult their partner because only one of them is alert enough to participate in a coherent conversation. The husband is already asleep in bed. The wife enters the room and begins tinkering with the husband’s fancy iPhone.]

“Oh, you downloaded the Bible onto your iPhone? That’s cool!”

[Waking up] “Huh?...Yeah...I just did that today. I’ve been meaning to put it on there, but I never made the time to do it.”

"Cool. How did you get it on there?"

"I just downloaded it from the Apps Store onto my phone."

"Good. I was beginning to think you were turning into an atheist."

"Really? What made you think that?"
[His eyes open wide with shock without WIFE noticing while he laughs semi-nervously as if to dismiss a ridiculous idea.]

[Insert awkward moment of silence]

"Because I never see you read the Bible anymore. I just haven't said anything but it was really starting to make me nervous."

"Don’t worry. I’m not an atheist…"
[In the attempt to be sensitive to the underlying concern behind her statements, he stops abruptly and fights the temptation to volunteer more information…]

[insert second awkward moment of silence]

"Would you like to start reading the Bible together? Maybe starting with the Song of Solomon? I know you said that you’ve been wanting for the two of us to read it together. What do you…?

[Interjecting enthusiastically as if relieved] "Yes!...yes…please."

"Okay. We'll do that."

[Feeling like he has just half-heartedly committed to something he is not excited about, he then rolls over, turns off the bedside lamp and goes to sleep- somewhat relieved yet fearful of more discomforting conversations to come.]

To be continued…

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Have you ever heard bizarre, nonhuman screams coming from the other room? Have you ever had that eerie feeling in the waking hours where your mind is alert but a heavy pressure on your body prevents you from moving? Have you ever felt a haunting presence closing in on you under the cloak of night? Have you ever done something “sinful” in the privacy of your bedroom only to wake up the next morning to a prayerful parent telling you that they sensed a fierce clash between angels and demons was taking place somewhere in the house the night before?

If you have, I’d love to hear more details about your experience.
But if you haven’t, you are not alone.

I haven’t either.

However, I know many who have had such experiences and the sincere conviction in which they retell their accounts leaves me to wonder.

Just last week, I went to hang out and catch up with a small group of my Christian friends. My friends are complex individuals with memories full of profound experiences who would describe themselves as Bible-believing, orthodox Christian, conservative evangelicals. They are committed creationists and faithful servants to their understanding of God and the Bible. They are compassionate and thoughtful individuals who are skeptical toward the views of nonbelievers, mystics, New-Age types, self-help authors, right-wing fundamentalists, cults, liberals, televangelists, mega-church leaders who advance “the prosperity gospel” and all who accept the theory of evolution. And there was a time, not long ago, when I would describe myself in similar terms.

Over the past seven years, many of us have grown close by working on service projects together. We have participated in each others’ development into dependable friends, mature husbands and responsible fathers.

But over the years, some of us began to depart from the majority opinion and pursue more unorthodox pathways of fulfillment. I don’t think any of us were surprised by this. Even in our early bible study conversations years ago, one could hear subtle hints indicating that some of us thought about God and life’s purpose just a little differently than the rest of the group. These differences would only become more pronounced over time.

During our most recent gathering together, we joked around for an hour or so about random topics such as local job cuts, our kids, the Obama administration and the latest entertainment news. But as the evening progressed, the discussion topics became far more serious as some of my friends began to share stories about their encounters with—of all things—demons.

It began with one person’s off-handed joke about demon possession until, soon, everyone in the room, one-by-one, began chiming in with stories of their own encounters with what they believed to be demonic forces.

It was as if a line was being drawn in the sand and I found myself on the other side of it. Like an outside observer, I watched as my friends reaffirmed their fellowship with similar experiences. As the stories were told, I heard phrases like, “You too!” and “Yeah, that’s the worst.”

The situation was awkward and I couldn’t help but to be cynical; silently questioning both their judgment and my own. How ironic was it that these individuals who sat before me sharing their personal encounters with demonic forces also happen to skeptical and distrusting of the scientific method? How ironic was it that these individuals who believe in demons also told me that they cannot accept evolution with any confidence because it leaves too much unexplained? Functioning with their assumptions about reality, I’d think some invisible and benevolent force controlled my sudden urge to fire off a witty and obnoxious remark pointing out the obvious, double standard here.

I couldn’t believe we were having this discussion. But I listened.

When someone tells me about a demonic encounter they have experienced my first reaction is to place that person firmly in the crazy category. But part of me neither wants to dismiss their stories nor the conviction in which they tell them because they may be indicative of a deeper, psychological reality to which I should pay close attention. Of course, this is an area beyond my expertise and again I am left only to wonder and ask questions.

I struggle with the fact that the Bible has plenty of stories similar to the ones my friends shared that night as its pages frequently describe a supernatural, otherworldly realm beyond sensory comprehension. The noble and appealing character of Jesus is easy to embrace when you focus primarily on his paradigm-challenging command to love one's enemies and his creative parables about the prodigal son, the persistent widow and the Good Samaritan.

But the New Testament doesn’t stop there. It seems to me that in order to embrace this Jesus—according to the New Testament—one must also profess belief in a strange, spirit world where angelic and demonic forces wage a constant and invisible war for the eternal souls of human beings. To embrace this Jesus—according to many biblical texts—it seems that one must also accept the ideas that demons can possess human beings; that certain individuals can wield miraculous powers and perform miracles that defy the laws of gravity and physics; and that a personal God exists and is capable to speaking to and through selected prophets.

When I read what the gospels say about Jesus of Nazareth, I find an inspiring figure that said and did many admirable things throughout his final years. But if I am required to believe and defend far-fetched ideas and speculations about a spiritual realm in order to follow the way of Jesus, then Christianity is a pill that I cannot swallow.

At this point in my life, I don’t believe in a Devil, Satan, demons, evil spirits, or any sort of personalized beings of incarnated evil. However, I do believe that humanity has a dark side; a selfish part of us that desires to satiate our unbridled appetites without considering the needs of others; a dangerous part of us inclined to hate out of ignorance and to kill out of fear; a susceptible part of us easily possessed by the spirits of indifference and apathy. And as mysterious as human evil is, I suspect this dark side of our existence has a biological and naturalistic explanation instead of a supernatural one. I suspect we can find more explanation for the origins of this dark side in the reptilian remnants of our brains than we can find in the tempting suggestions of a mythological serpent.

I find enough in the natural world to be afraid of than for me to occupy time and energy worrying about realms unknown, unseen and—dare I say—imaginary. I have more fear that a stray bullet will interrupt my earthly existence than that any demon would ever attack, influence or possess me.

Interestingly, some would posit one of those circular, conversation-ending arguments claiming that someone who doesn’t believe in demons is not able to believe because they are already under a demonic influence. I have no patience for that kind of exchange.

You can call it what you want, label me however and rely on whichever authority you find trustworthy in this dynamic and ever-changing thing called life. I’m going to try to make sense out of this the only way I know how: by continuing to ask the questions and pursuing explanations to the mysteries.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Heaven? I sure as hell hope it exists

Chances are I probably won’t make it to Heaven with you. You see, I’m not sure I believe in it anymore, but I sure as hell hope it exists.

While I like the thought of Heaven, I’ve personally never been too attached to the idea. I mean that to say, the idea of Heaven as a rewarding afterlife was not what attracted me to the gospel.
I came to Christianity because I was a teenage dreamer looking for guidance. More than wanting to know how to be “saved” I wanted to know how I was supposed to live.

As a teenager, I was moved by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s earth-bound, Jesus-inspired message of love, liberation and disciplined nonviolence and inspired by Bob Marley’s captivating sound and prophetic, First Testament-infused lyrics. Other than the charity-focused hymnals of my Catholic school’s weekly masses, these two influential individuals were the chief sources that planted the seeds which led to my eventual interest in both Christianity and the Bible. They each eft indelible imprints on my understanding of life’s purpose and love’s power.

It was only after those initial introductions to the Christian faith that I began to think more about this place called Heaven. All my life I have had a hard time wrapping my mind around something as inexpressible as eternity. Sister Mary Ann, the Catholic nun who taught my fifth grade elementary school class, used to warn us not to worry our 11-year-old minds obsessing about either the beginning of the universe or the idea of eternity. She jokingly warned us that focusing too much on either extreme would surely drive us mad. How easily and often we toss around words like ‘forever’ and phrases like ‘until the end of time’ without really understanding the overwhelming weight of those concepts.

If you ask me, I think those concepts are beyond human comprehension. Which is why I have found it easier to focus on the world that I can experience with my physical senses. Even in my teenage years my prayers were frequent and repetitive requests for direction, protection and blessing as I walked these earthly roads.

I just don’t like dwelling on matters of excessive speculation- especially if there is no real way to investigate such matters. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t know of any human being who has ever died, gone to Heaven and returned to talk about it on Earth (But I’d love to hear any stories you might have).

But despite my reservations about Heaven, I can understand why getting there means so much to so many people- as evidenced by both ancient and modern belief systems that have focused much of their content on finding ways to get there. Life on earth can be difficult and hard. Not even Jesus could dodge the fact that people would suffer troubles and experience hurt during their stay here.

I suspect that most religions were born out of attempts to figure out how best to live in a world where pain and death were inevitable. In the face of such circumstances, it could even be said that the idea of Heaven is a display of religious genius.

Surely the idea of an eternal realm of rest, abundance and luxury means a lot to those who have experienced the horrors of injustice, scarcity and torture.

Surely the image of a place where every tear will be wiped away is very powerful and comforting one for us humans who are hard-wired for heartbreak.

Surely the thought of a place where we who have survived thus far can be reunited and reconciled with our loved ones who have “gone on to glory” sounds every bit like right- and may even keep us from going insane. I recall that shortly after the untimely death of his father, a close friend of mine told me that if he himself didn’t believe that he would someday see his father again in Heaven he thought he would lose his mind. The thought of Heaven helps him hold it all together. Without it, many of us would lose hope.

I understand this. Perhaps similar ideas have helped to bring the human species to where it is now.

I want to believe in a place like that. I really do. And maybe I haven’t been able to embrace it completely because I have yet to feel a pain that was deep enough.

Personally, I fear that too much focus on the hereafter cheapens and depreciates life in the here-and-now. I believe that obsessing about what will happen to us when our bodies stop breathing only robs us of the precious moments we are privileged to spend with each other. I don’t like worrying about things I can’t do anything about. But I know I can do something now…as long as I have breath.

I may not believe in Heaven anymore (and believe me, I would love to be surprised) but I swear that I will give you all that I have until the day of our departure.
To where…I don’t know.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Regrets & Resolutions

As many of us celebrate the New Year, we mark a transition from one period to another. This is the time of year when countless individuals declare their commitment to keep resolutions that they hope will improve the quality of their lives.

This is a time of reflection when we ask ourselves how we should handle sudden calls for change and how we should navigate the slow process of growth. Will we continue along the path we had set out to explore long ago, or will this moment mark an abrupt shift in direction? It’s also possible that, instead of changing direction, many of us will choose to engage more intensely with the path we are currently traveling.

Over the years, I have noticed a pattern in how I deal with transitions and I can’t say that I am very proud of my record.

For example: When I initially subscribed to a fundamental approach to the Christian faith, I despised and distanced myself from all those who I considered to be either non-believers or “name-only” Christians who didn’t take “the true gospel” and its demands seriously enough; When I became a new seminary student and investigated more liberal approaches to matters of faith, I began to look down with pity upon those ignorant biblical literalists who remained clueless about what the Bible really says and who seem to have given little to no thought to the implications of their beloved faith claims; When I began to study biology and adopted more of a naturalist perspective, I then started to look condescendingly upon those I considered superstitioussupernaturalists. And so the merciless cycle continues.

In 2009, I hope to work on improving the following patterns that I have observed in my behavior. I could have added more, but these were some that really stood out in my mind:

Obsession with novelty. Novelty is a good thing, but sometimes I notice that I rush to too quickly to embrace it- without weighing the consequences or appreciating that which is older; In doing this, I dive head first into the new pursuit with as much zeal and passion as I have used in my earlier ones. I trade one set of certainties for another and devalue the individuals and experiences of my past that have shaped and formed me.

Disassociation with the past. I despise many of those aspects of my past that I consider shameful and therefore find myself severing relational ties and distancing myself from individuals, ideas and influences. Some people naturally grow apart, but with this tendency I find myself trying to speed up the process by making abrupt departures from fellowship. I have seen instances where his tendency has added severe strain to my relationships with others- leaving them with feelings of distrust and confusion.

Fear of conflict. I suspect that I resort to the above behaviors largely because I don’t want to engage in conflict or deal with the discomfort of relating to those who don’t share my changing perspective. I also don’t want to deal with the fact that by sharing my true thoughts as the develop, I may run the risk of hurting or alienating those I care about. With cowardice, I shy away from interpersonal conflict- even when I really think I am on the right side of an issue. I also don’t enjoy arguing or engaging in debates- and this is partly because I have a deep fear that I will embarrass myself by being proven wrong. But what progress can be made without engaging in some form of ideological conflict? What sanity can be maintained without some attempts to resolve such conflict?

It many ways I think it’s healthy to reflect on one’s mistakes and regrets. But ultimately, I have come to realize that I am in the process of becoming. I am capable of so much more, but I am learning to be patient with my personal development- knowing that who I am today is a direct result of who I have been and that even regret can be a powerful impetus for positive change. So I am going to step out and try some new approaches in hopes that they yield better results.

Here’s to life. Here’s to 2009.