Friday, March 7, 2008

A prayer for the day

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow."- Mary Jean Irion, poet & author 

May we take the time to be both mindful and appreciative of the wonders around us (the people, the life-forms, the gifts, and the resources) and the worlds within (our memories, our dreams, our convictions, our concerns, our fears and our hopes). May our souls be receptive to the “still, small voice” inside which continually calls us to bear the fruits of truth, love, wisdom, compassion, courage, growth, peace, integrity, humility, reverence and child-like wonder. May we resist the temptation to worship idols and may we resist the urge to either suppress or deny the good in ourselves and others. May we master ourselves in order to become better servants. With our eyes open to the beautiful and brutal aspects of reality, our ears attentive to the concerns of those with whom we interact, and the courage to face the challenges of the day with a creative, revolutionary and resourceful love.

Amen and may it be so.

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